Tuesday 4 September 2012

Long, long day

No hw. Thank god. I wanna eat something, and I did. But I want more food. But I need to wait till dinner...just cause.
I wanna sleep......
First day back was...well not up to my expectations. It went something like this:

I ran out the front door after my morning rituals. Walked 1.5 miles to school, while listening to the following songs: Mystery Achievements, the Pretenders; She's Watching the Detectives, Alison, by Elvis Costello; Your my Best Friend, Queen; Lullaby, Nickleback.
1. Talked to people in the halls (actually I ran into Chris 2 and talked, he doesn't "love" me anymore, thank god), found my first class, World History, a freshman class. They were all, or mostly all freshmen. God they are so annoying. I don't like them. My class was super quiet and the girl next to me kept taking notes on every single word the teacher said. It was so irritating. She didn't look at me once.
2. Walked up 1 floor to my 2nd hour. Turns out it's the same class room as last year, even funnier is that again I'm taking a language there. Latin 1. My voice decided to walk out on me and I could barely talk. Must be coming down with something...( the rest of the day wasn't too bad though). Nothing to say about the class.
3. Health. The class with Chris. Turns out Amanda and Miranda are in my class as well.
Amanda reminds me of a southern girl. I have no clue as to why. She's tall, very blond. Her hair is very straight and a bit longer than shoulder length. She isn't fat, but she's well built (her height makes this less obvious and adds to her character). Wears pretty clothes and annoys me. She is an acquaintance made for the sake of conversation and appearing somewhat social...eh...well I need someone to talk to every once in a while (a decent conversation).
Miranda plays soccer with me and is kinda clingy. She thinks we are very alike. Appearances, hobbies, personality. She's wrong. Short, short brown hair, pudgy (also almost but not fat, blubber). A really nice girl but she can get so annoying. I suppose I don't mind her too much though.
They both remind me of Chloe. I don't know if I mentioned her. I think I did... Well she was in my gym class last year. She's had so many boyfriends. And we'd just talk. And it was nice cause it was a conversation. But she was so frikking annoying!
Well it's a good class. Like 5 girls and 15 guys. So many to choose from...hm...well I know who. Overall, good.
4. Science. I walked into a silent, empty, dark class room and sat down. I didn't have anything else to do! I played with my phone, and the idea of taking a book out to read. I was saved by Moya, he's also annoying. But once again, social companion. Don't like that class, even though Chris is there (he kept looking at me, or maybe it was just the girl sitting next to me...). I swear to god that class is filled with nerds, loners, and Chris's ex girlfriends. It sucks.
5. Lunch Time! So happy. Met up with Emi and Christi (actual friend kinda, still getting to know her). Ate, talked, laughed. Back to class.
6. Walked with Emi to the third floor for French. The class reminded me of last year. Hyper, girl talk, giggling, fun. The class doesn't seem too bad either. Surprised I can still understand French.
7. Walked with Emi to math. Our classes are right next to one another. I spaced out. Like the teacher kinda.
8. Last class! English. Weirdo teacher. Badly dyed blonde hair, way to much makeup, an odd face, everything blue and matching (nails, makeup, clothes, shoes) she likes horror and hello Kitty... I like the people in my class (to some better degree than before). Fine, decent class.
HOME. My friends mom drove me home. I love her dog.
And that's pretty much been my day...

One more thing. Emi and I met a totally awesome German guy! It was just so weird. We're going to be friends! That really made my day. So I'm happy about that.

The end of Day 1 Sophomore Year 2012-13 (how am I going to survive this now...?)

The color of the sky: A soft creamy white and pink, swirled around the center of the mass of clouds like cream on coffee is yellow orange, lacy on the fringes. And blue. Light soft blue, something reminding me of spring flowers.

Going night swimming with Emi.

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