Sunday 30 September 2012

autumn chill

Went downtown with Emi today. We ran and finally! finally caught the bus on time. Driving past Bushes we saw, none other than the soccer team and Chris. Which turned out to be a theme through our day. Downtown we went shopping! Store to store, vintage stores, urban outfitters, tiny little places under apartments, bigger but still classy vintage stores, a store where everything is under 15$. We bought keys, a heart shaped padlock, and a sweatshirt that we're gonna share. Also frozen yogurt. It was a lot of fun.
The bus ride back was a different story. We got on a bus that said 2A. The exact same one that took us downtown in the first place. It took us all the way around the city to the next town over and back downtown! We had no clue where we were going.  "I bet the 2 turned into the 5 bus." Emi said. We asked the driver once we got to Mejiers and she said, "I was the 2 but I turned into the 5... (evil laugh, no I wish)". It was really weird. But we got home fine.

Soccer game. We finally tied! We never win, that's cause we get crappy refs and teams that push a lot.

While we were downtown Sophia txts me and says, I just saw Chris. I pulled up and said, "Hey Chris, I know a lot about you but you don't know me (Mouse last year, May)," and apparently he said, "hey cutie!" I was laughing. I'm so happy though, this give me a reason to talk to him!!!!! Big sis I love you!

Everyone thinks my hat is cute! Yay!

The color of the sky: Sinking lower and lower but the colors were still shinning. Everything the sun touched turned a deep gold color. A thick coat of solid gold dusted the trees in front of us. The sky was covered in dark pupleing clouds that told of fall days we would soon be spending; in front of the fire, with warm hats and scarves pulled around us, running through leaves, tasting cider and pie, and the chill on the tips of our noses when we laugh with our friends, wasting the dwindling light.

The padlock I got, I think it's lucky.

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