Thursday 20 September 2012

The goldfish bowl (day 4) we live for the moment and disregard health class

Dear God: Plz Let homecoming work out somehow ~Sky
THE END: sept. 17- sept 22 (12:00)
~Thank You

I think God answered my prayers. Thank you Christoff (God's REAL name). 
Emi's sick, but she's gonna come see me off to homecoming. I am going. With no one at the time being. 
But there is a chance I might go with Chris:
Michelle and I were waiting for Nick to finish his game. Standing in around the entrance to the fields, a red balloon I stole from the makeup room drifting in the wind. Nick come and we continue to stand there talking and waiting for our rides. Chris finally comes out, all smiles, since they won 7-0 and Nick scored. You go man (he has my respect till homecoming and then he looses it). Chris gets in his car and Nick yells, "Ask her to homecoming!"
Chris: Nick wanna go to homecoming with me?!
Nick: No! HER you idiot.
He looked really confused then his mom drove away. That's when we made the bet. Michelle suggested it. I kiss her if she can get Chris to ask me to homecoming.
Emi's still concerned with Chris and the whole Kelsey thing (see yesterday). And I feel really bad for making her worry a second time. First with Jess, now with Chris. Drugs and sex, oh the things they tell us not to do in health class.

Theatre is becoming more and more of a home and family. I can't seem to leave anymore. I just want to spend all my time there. I also made a new freshman friend, Meredith.

It rained this morning on my way to school. It just started to rain.

The color of the sky: Dark, but you know morning is coming soon. It's cold, but you have hope that the sun will come. It has to. At the same time though, it feels like your stuck in the cold, harsh grey reality. Hidden behind caked on make up and lip gloss, a straight back and high heels. Honestly the world looked greyer the sky darker with hollow clouds. Then rain, paints the world, a watercolor washing clean the lenses covered in doubt and opening your eyes to life at the edge of the world. 

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