Wednesday 19 September 2012

The goldfish bowl (day 3) a light at the far end of the tunnel

Toady, I met God. He's tall and skinny, and he has abs. Short hair that's been neatly cut, a defined thin face, coco bean chocolate eyes that question and an Austrian accent. Attractive by any girls standards. He actually looks like the God (if there is one) I'd imagined or at least drawn multiple times... And I asked him, If you're God, why do I have bad timing, why is my love life so messed up, and why is my life so insane? His response was, "Why do I care? There are so many people, why do I need to bother with them?"
This oddly made sense. The God I draw did seem like a cold, self absorbed guy, but with his own hidden morals and ideas for the world.
Our God is actually a guy from Austria who is really attractive and nice so we started calling him that. God welcome to the family of the Theatre!

Our theatre family is amazing. Cause it's like a real family. It's a second home to all of us and a huge part of our lives. Sure we complain and joke about it but it's true. I'm so glad I joined theatre last year.

Home coming News:
Emi is coming back on time! I DON'T HAVE TO GO! Maybe. Now we're thinking of going downtown and to see a movie. I've been avoiding the subject at all costs and I think things may turn out alright in the end. Then again I didn't get to talk to Ivanovich or Mattew...
Apparently Chris broke up with Kelsey!!!! Oh my god! Wanna know why? Cause she wouldn't fuck him.
Now all my theatre friends want me to go with him despite the fact that he's "an arrogant, bitch who plays soccer and just wants to fuck someone." Oh Michelle I love you.

Chris #2 Updated!:
"well know this the first day i saw u i saw a person who was confident and trustworthy she was beautiful and smart and fun to be around

you listen and then talk not the other way around
and i knew from that point on i wanted to be with you"
This will never end... It's not over till it's over. 

A new character: A 25 (or thereabouts) year old who plays the piano. He's a genius but he plays only for himself. He's a messy, anti-social (he has friends though that fall into their own sort of category of music geeks, musicians, and a mathematician) kind of guy who lives in t-shirts, sweatpants and boxers. Tall, unsaved, hair that is past it's cutting due date, sleepy eyed. Not the most attractive man, but there's something about his dishevelness that's charming as if he's hiding a beautiful piece of music under the strict advanced concerto's he plays for fun and posts on youtube.

The color of the sky: The edge of the world. It falls off into an abyss of light pink, peach, tea orange, mango pudding, corsage white and all the other sweet but pretty things.
There is a house at the edge of the world. Right near the very tip of the cliff. In the door way there are two pairs of shoes, sneakers and sandals...

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