Thursday 27 September 2012

you can never set all the clocks right

What - did I say? Bad timing huh. I am never going to get it right. EVER. I've told you about Mathew. I asked him to homecoming but he couldn't go. He is the sweetest, nicest, funniest, really attractive kid who just moved here from South Dakota. I love him so much! As a friend...I think... In theatre we're all one big family (he's in theatre that's how I know him, and it turns out his locker is next to mine) and could I actually like and date someone like that?
My mom was picking me up early so I ran around the shop hugging everyone and waving good-bye. Mathew stops me and we have this totally Romeo Juliette good-bye scene. The funny thing was I was leaving and he was up on a set piece. Well it was really cute and totally hilarious! Finally we hugged and I start heading for the door. He comes running after me yelling, Wait! I need your number. Which turned into another hilarious sequence of events and I walked out laughing so hard.
So...Chris or Mathew (if it ever comes down to this...) I honestly don't know.
Now that I've spent all soccer practise thinking about it I've come to a very logical conclusion. Although Mathew is way nicer and everything I can't really deal with being in relationships with nice people. It's to surreal and it scares me. Life's not meant to be that perfect. I think that's why I dumped Nick (yes we dated in 8th grade). Chris, well that ain't perfection. That is something I feel like I can reach out and touch, it's not "Just a Dream" (Nelly, love that song).

I got to school today and it felt like total deja-vu. I'd been there before. Last year... It was weird...
7th hour was great. The saddest love story and superficiality that is me. Ivanovich is so sweet, I really hope that girl marries him someday!

Theatre was a blast again! LOVE THEM! And tomorrow is that good or bad?

The color of the sky: Rainy but dreamy color. The kind in a dream. Blurred. Makes you wish you slept in. And woke up in a city apartment, way above the chaos of yellow cabs and rushing people.

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