Saturday 22 September 2012

The goldfish bowl (day 6) part 2 - white shoes

Just got back from homecoming. The goldfish bowl week is technically over now. I survived and got rid (told him I don't like him, and no I will not go out with him) of Chris #2.
I'm actually sitting here eating stringed cheese, staring at my blue nails cause their mesmerising and don't look like my own.
Homecoming sucked. No good music, a few friends, no food, no date. But I looked pretty.
The reason I was there, was because I had a dress and shoes. That's all you really need right?

I talked to God during homecoming. He was there looking as attractive as ever. He laughed when I called him God. I asked him if he could make monday a good day.
He asked, How do I do that? (with his accent!)
I said, Your God. Just do some of that magic stuff and we're set!
Him, Ok! Have a good monday!!!
Me, Thank you!!!!! Yay! It's definitely going to be good now! (And I skipped off looking like a little girl, or a freshman).

Well I'm back now. Back to a day of normal then assured destruction and insanity. Cause apparently Nick told Chris, go to homecoming with her and while you're there go make babies and something more perhaps... (The ongoing joke of "you two will make hot european soccer playing children (all 8)").

I was going to say something... but I forgot. I'm too tired to think now. It's sunday and I have to do homework tomorrow.

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