Saturday 26 May 2012

4:41 bye! for now.

It's 4:24 in the morning and I'm leaving in 21 minutes. Goddammit it's not even that long of a bus ride so why do we have to wake up so early? I'm going to be gone all weekend now, I won't have wifi so I'm off of here for the beautiful long weekend. Really excited about this but at the same time I'm really going to miss everyone (even though it's only for 3ish days, cause I may see Emi on monday). I'm probably just going to keep thinking back on our little scenario with Jess's shirt. God that was so funny.
15 more minutes. I should probably eat something, so I'm leaving. Off to New York! Oh, and before I leave.... Sophia and I found this a few days ago on an abandoned building.
"Sorry for looking away so quickly I
actually think you're
really nice looking, but
you kind of remind
me of this person that
I wish would come back."

I guess that's just somethings for you all while I'm gone. I just sat there re-reading it, and it sounds like something out of perks of being a wallflower, not really real but it could be. I can't find this anywhere on the internet, and it's really sad. But I'm not sure people should read it, it seems like a private little thing, between that person and me. I don't think whoever this was meant for ever found this. So somehow if feels like even though it's not meant for me, it's important and I have something to do with it... keep it with me forever, safe. quiet...

Cya all on monday! I think I'll actually miss writing this a lot. I'm gonna miss everything. 4:38. Bye.

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