Friday 11 May 2012

Orange chair

It's the end of the week again. A friday. So much has happened this week that it seems like a lifetime has just passed.

  • Sophia asks out Mouse
  • I ask out Jess
  • Soccer games
  • Theatre, read thru and rehearsal
  • Sleeping in class/going to class
  • 1/2day
And a lot more. I'm dreading monday as usual but at the same time I can't wait. See he talked to me again today! I walked onto the bus after 3rd hour, a few minutes later he walks on. "Hey sky. Wassup."
I quickly explained my pact with Sophia and asking him out, apologising for the awkwardness. He just said, "Whatever, It's cool." He was smiling. After that every time he saw me that day (quite a few times) he would smile. So everyone is convinced he likes me. A lot of people know now too...oh well.

I was so tired all day again. I need more sleep. I fell asleep a few times. Once during theatre, I was back stage waiting for my cue. There was this wooden chair lined with orange cushion. Sitting down I could feel myself sink into it, it's soft fluffy embrace. I fell asleep like that for a bit. I like that chair. The color, the feel, the way it looks. I drew it a few times while waiting.  I love that chair.

We decided today, me and Sophia that we, and Emi, were going to go to top of the park when summer comes around. Maybe by that time we'll be going out. If my luck holds out. That's one of those funny childish dreams of mine, to go with a boy (on a date) to top of the park. It's a bunch of stands with food, a band playing on a stage, there's usually some kind of show later on and it goes on till around 11 pm.

The color of the sky: Day to day now it's been pretty much the same color. The same light blue, with white summer clouds drifting along.

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