Thursday 3 May 2012


Ok, I'm starting to wonder why I numbered the posts.

Today started out bad. I forgot all my homework, and my phone at home. I didn't eat anything all day till dinner. I was really hungry. And I don't think I did good at all on my bio test. I played soccer with the guys and I didn't do well at all (it was still fun). Chris #1 has decided my new name is either baby or poochiepie... I liked Ukrainian girl much better.
I liked history. He looked at me a lot. And he made this weird face that reminded me of Jared Leto (I love Jared!).

I had a soccer game. It was far away. On the way Chris #2 asked me how I felt (if I liked him or not), so I said: I'd like to get to know you better (and stuff like that) but I like someone else. Sorry!
He said: Lucky him.
I felt so bad! I still wish none of this had happened.

It's raining. I like rain. Hope tomorrow is another wonderful day. And maybe I'll get to STALK Kaitlin's boyfriend!!!!! What more can I ask for?

The color of the sky: It changed a lot. First it was blue monotone, with white clouds covering the southern hemisphere. As the day went on foamy soap like clouds migrated from the southern hemisphere to the center of the sky fraying out into the blue. Then the storm clouds moved in, dark indigo quickly overtaking the entire sky.

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