Wednesday 16 May 2012


I really need to stop eating chocolate and cookies. They are making me fat. So for mothers day my parents bought a crap load of sweets: cake, 3 boxes of oreo's, a bag of m&m's, and I have chocolate from somewhere, plus there's ice cream in the fridge (that I can eat)! Too much sugar. That's all I eat now, cookies and bread. Oh well.

I'm asking Jess out to lunch tomorrow. Fingers crossed that it works!

Right now I'm sitting here listening to Fall Out Boy, and "doing" my homework. First time in a while that I've had a lot. I haven't written anything for the past couple of days cause nothing has really happened. Life's been slowing down, stuck in a traffic jam of chase after Jess or turn around and head in another direction. I suppose tomorrow will determine something, fix the red light, or at least turn it yellow.

Chris #1 who hasn't done anything for like a week is back to his normal flirting. It's surprisingly calming that he's back to normal. The other Chris is as annoying an constantly txting me wasting all my precious texts!

Sophia was sick today so I was all alone in 7th block. Victoria stole my phone and started txting Gabriel who was sitting right in front of us. It was funny. In the mean time I was texting Sophia. So we passed the phone back and forth. She also txted my mom, who replied! It was so funny. The best thing was we didn't get in trouble, cause we had a sub, and we were watching a movie.

The color of the sky: Dusty blue, a thin layer of haze coated the edges. A few lost clouds wandered the sky. The late sunset was a mix of dark blues. Like a collage made out of paper-mache, construction paper, water, glass and oil. All painted different shades of blue and glued onto the sky.

How am I suppose to do this...ask him out to lunch...crap. Oh well I guess that is what the internet is for. Suggestions. I need them.

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