Friday 11 May 2012

I'm in love with a drug addict

It feels so strange saying that.
I'm in love with a drug addict.
I've been saying this over and over in my mind. Like I can't quite figure out what it means, I don't know what it means.
I found out from a friend who's brother is friends with Jess that he has issues. He does a lot of drugs, and him and his last girlfriend had issues. But also that he's shy and quiet.
Emi and Sophia are pretty freaked out and a bit scared about this whole thing. But really if I have a chance I'm going.

We won our game, mercied them 8-0 and ended 10 minutes into the second half. 2 goals!!!! And a few assist. This makes up for my awkward afternoon.

The rest of this day has just dragged on. I was so tired all day. I fell asleep in gym (we were in the class room watching a movie).

Thinking about it I never would have asked Jess out if it wasn't for Sophia. I never would have done a lot of things. I would have just stayed there in that little world of perfection. A place where he might like me, I have fun every day, I love him, where everything is up in the air. The perfect chess formation, with one move it could all shatter or blossom into roses. I'll miss that but we're moving on hopefully to win this game as best we can.

The color of the sky: A light blue melting into grey and gold horizon. White surreal clouds floated along. It felt oddly like summer, without the warmth. As if a cloud was in front of the sun blocking the light.

I wonder if my parents are reading this.

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