Wednesday 30 May 2012

Hell and life (tech weeek)

It's tech week once again. And we're having one hell of a time moving really heavy sets, memorising lines, and walking around on high heels. 

Chris #2 has a girlfriend. He holds hands with her in the hall. And she looks happy. And he looks happy. He talked to me today, he didn't sound happy at all. Recently we were texting, I really don't know why. And he told me he still like me. But he has a girlfriend. This guy has issues. I stopped caring. god me and Sophia had the best time. We ran into him outside of the food shop across my second school (Sophia goes to my afternoon school). We'd just bought strawberries and angel food cake. He was holding a news paper. We wouldn't stop laughing for 15 minutes. 
Later that day, Sophia freaked him out completely. We were walking past his class room and Sophia decided to open the door and look in. I walked ahead. Suddenly she comes running past me. Cause Jess walked out of the class room just then. He ended up looking over at me very confused, it was cute. Then Sophia ran after him and yelled his name. We both started laughing again. Too much fun. I'm gonna really miss all this when school ends. 

I look like a doll with make up on. It's kinda scary. I can't imagine people putting make up on every day, and looking like that. So perfect. 

The color of the sky: airy blue. Almost liquid and flowing. This clearish blue. 

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