Friday 25 May 2012

And then, he took his shirt off...

Life just keeps getting better, so Emi, don't ruin it by saying he doesn't like me.
We didn't do much today, and then lunch came. Emi and I met up with Josef who was throwing food into the sky and then tried to catch it in his mouth. He missed. A few times. After a few minutes of that we decided to go back to the park we went to last friday. At that very moment Jess walks out of the building and starts walking in the same direction as we were going (he was ahead of us). It was so funny. Emi and Josef were joking that he was stalking us he was so good that he was ahead of us. They also pretended to be ninjas jumping behind cars and trees. We played around and expected to just drop out at the park, but to our surprise he turns and walks right into the park. And we...followed him. As we walked Emi joked that the group of girls standing around were his girl friends, and something about doing drugs. We laughed and followed. He turned around a few times, so he totally saw us or hear us. Emi later said that even if he was high on drugs and listening to his ipod he would have noticed us cause we laugh way too much. I know this whole kinda stalking thing is great, but it got even better.
 He took OFF his SHIRT! In the middle of the road in this park, he stopped, dropped his backpack and took of his shirt! It was the most randome thing I've seen in forever. I know it was hot, and it was a long sleeved black shirt was so weird!!! Even thinking about it now I start laughing. Just imagine the guy you like stopping in the middle of a road populated by a group of 18 year old girls, an old man, a few runners and you, and take off his shirt.
Later I was sitting at home and a though came to me. What would you think if you saw a guy who looked like he wanted to kill someone (according to everyone but me) with a shaved head (military kinda styled), wearing all black, with no shirt on walking down your street. I started laughing. I just can't imagine that, but I bet that's what he did and what it looked like.
We all just stared. It was just too weird to comprehend. Emi said "stripper". I said "sexy". And Josef said something that I don't remember. After that we lost him, so we climbed down to the water took off our shoes and waded in. The cool water felt refreshing as it lapped against our bare legs. We made plans like last time, ones for summer and after school. It was as if we were three best friends, living in a world written into a book. Someone was reading it and our lives were predetermined, but we were happy. That's all that mattered. The feeling of infinity lingered as we walked back to school.

I got home and the first comment I get from my mom was, literally, your clothes make you look like a slut. She didn't actually say that but really she meant it. The dress wasn't too short the length was perfect, the top was low cut, so what of it? You could see a bit of cleavage and so what? No one really cares. Well that put me in a bad mood for the rest of the day.

I read a lot, and packed. I'm going to a Ukrainian camp thingy over memorial weekend. It's fun, and I get to see people I haven't seen since summer which is exciting.  But I'm gonna miss school and can't wait to get back again.
My brother had this violin concert and we all went. I fell asleep so many times during the first part. After the intermission I managed to stay awake only be drifting off into my little fantasy world of impossibly possible scenario's. Once we got back I went on a long walk with Emi.
We just talked about all these things. And walked around freaking out middle schoolers because we were talking about Jess and drugs and high school and boys and stuff. When we finally got back it was 10 and my parents didn't even care.

The color of the sky: Poutine cheese, or cottage cheese shaped clouds of pearly sunset white. Glistening with orange and pale pink. The sky seemed bigger today. Like it had opened up to the whole world instead of being confined to just our little city. It seemed as if the sky was part of something bigger, like we all were even though we were still trapped in this city.

Imagine yourself and/or your best friend walking down this road. Talking, laughing enjoying summer. Feeling like it will never end. Your parent's didn't give you a set time to be home. It's hot but not in an unpleasant way. Just in the way that reminds you that it's summer. And you have 13 weeks to enjoy it. Walking down this road making plans, and it feels like it could last forever, it could never end and you wouldn't care. Infinite. 
Poutine: you eat it in Quebec it tastes...weird.
I haven't had it for a while so I don't remember
exactly. But you should try it if you ever go there.
Go to Ashton's. They're a decent chain.

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