Sunday 20 May 2012

Green and purple icecream

with sprinkles.
That's what me and Emi got when we went on our bike ride saturday.
We spent about 1hour 3o min. trying to decide what to do. Actually...make that 2 hours. Finally, after super long debates we decided to get our bikes and go, anywhere away from here. It took us another 3o minutes to organize, find her camera and ipod, get our shoes and bikes and actually leave.
We ended up going to the tiny strip mall about 2 miles from our houses. It's a straight line of stores, and small restaurants. There's also an empty interior. Most of the shops are abandoned. Just a big space remains, barred by locked doors and window panes.
We locked our bikes and got icecream, from baskin and robins. 1 single scoop of rock and pop something or other sherbert. It was green and purple with nerds inside, we added sprinkles on top.
The mall has this protective roof held up by pillars. Under one of theses there's always incense sticks. And often a cup of coffee, this is the shrine. We found this a few years back, and in a way they really have become my gods/divine praying being. It's half a joke, that there are gods, shrine gods there that can grant wishes or something. But I kinda just ended up believing, I suppose it's good to believe in something.
So we prayed for good luck left 4 cents and then ate our ice cream. Finishing that we went inside and took pictures. We walked around taking tons of random photos with Emi's camera and ipod. Eventually we ended up on the hill a across a roundabout from the mall. It's a big grassy hill. At the top you can see the city roof tops. To the west the sunset looks amazing. That day it was golden, making the world look sepia and pretty.
We called Nick, threw shoes at each other, laughed, took a ton of pictures, rolled down the hill, laughed some more, talked and just sat there. Perfect unsummer day.
After at least an hour we got doughnuts, and pop got on our bikes and rode home. By the time we got back it was past 9. No one had called us. So we sat outside my house talking till 10. Calling Sophia, and chit chatting about our messed up love lives.
Golden summer evenings 

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